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    Posted 11 years and 4 months ago

    PABALLO from PABALLO comments on Innovations
    solving problems occurring in different cultures
  • David Carrott
    David Carrott

    Posted 12 years and 10 months ago

    David Carrott from Virginia comments on Innovations
    Your #1 topic for 21st Century Innovation is "Energy Conservation," and the comment by Jigar Y Patel of Bangalore addresses a concern I had in 2005. I have a US Patent (#7,685,817) on a technology that is not the "all encompassing answer" because there is no such thing. But, it was designed to solve a problem with an untapped resource technology.
    Question: what would happen to the US energy problem if 10% of the residential homes that used air conditioning during the 3-months of summer did so without the need of local energy providers? Solution: We would not have brown outs.
    Question: what would happen to the US energy problem if 25% of the residential homes that used air conditioning during the 3-months of summer did so without the need of local energy providers? Solution: The US would have surplus of energy, and could export that energy to neighboring countries. The US would be energy rich.
    Question: is there a energy resource that has unlimited recharge potential and does not present an environmental issue? Solution: Nuclear Control Rods (e.g., Hafnium-72, etc) absorb photonic energy from nuclear reactors like a battery, yet when discharged can be reused over and over. But, instead they are buried with other reactor resources.
    Comment: General Motors invested US$138.3 million to support increased production of the Ecotec 1.4-liter engine used in the Chevrolet Cruze. The US government invested around $1 billion into the Volt. Yet, it is impossible find investment funding for a 4 phase development program, at $5M each, to develop a production engine that supplies a 2-3 month continuous 1 Amp of 18 - 24Volts.
  • Pan Covenant
    Pan Covenant

    Posted 15 years and 8 months ago

    Pan Covenant from California comments on Innovations
    We need enhanced human/machine hybrid intelligence (CI - Cybernetic Intelligence) immediately. This comes down to brain-machine interfacing I believe. As soon as this happens, the "augmented" intelligence will be able to solve all other problems with it's enhanced intelligence, therefore it should be our top priority and receive maximum funding. kallisti fNoRd
  • Jigar Y. Patel
    Jigar Y. Patel

    Posted 16 years and 4 months ago

    Jigar Y. Patel from Bangalore comments on Innovations
    My concern about energy security and global warming of this world. We have coal that last may be for 100 years. We have oil that last may be for 40 years. Ok we can survive on coal and oil for 70 years easily. But the problem with coal and oil is global warming. So what is the solution. It can be solved be by solar, maybe by wind. Still solar and wind has many limitation. So basically we want something that works like I.C Engine and Steam Engine without pollution. We can use it in car and also we can generate electricity with it like power station. So basically we need to solve problem by engineering. Another thing I am writing is there is no meaning of increasing efficiency up to 10% or even 20%. Because people will drive more. Up to here I write something of no use. Now I come to point. I am independent Researcher mechanical engineer. I try to solve problem with my own way. We can utilize stationary force to do work. I know it is against to law of energy conversion. You go through my full paper , you will get to know exactly what I want to explain you. Pl visit
  • Dawneen Campbell
    Dawneen Campbell

    Posted 16 years and 8 months ago

    Dawneen Campbell from Canada comments on Innovations
    How about inventing a really good pair of panty hose that doesn't run? The money women would save must easily equal the GNP of many developing countries.
  • dennis baker
    dennis baker

    Posted 16 years and 8 months ago

    dennis baker from penticton comments on Innovations
    The solution to climate change Proven (stolen) Replacement technology for Fossil Fuel Powered Electrical Generation. Dennis Baker dennisbaker2003(at) Wednesday, March 27 1996 The radiolitic decomposition of organic materials generates hydrogen gas. Hydrogen gas is a very useful energy course; burns clean with water as the emission by- product. Humans generate a phenomenal amount of organic waste. The United Nations is very concerned about oceanic contamination by organic waste. Human organic waste could be treated to prevent methane generation, then exposed to nuclear waste to generate hydrogen gas. The potential solving of three issues with one action. NUCLEAR WASTE UPDATE A free service from Nuclear Waste News | January 14, 2008 First Plasma-Waste Treatment Facility Slated for Romania An Israeli company has announced plans to build Romania's first plasma-waste treatment facility. Under a $30 million, 25-year build/operate/transfer (BOT) contract, Environmental Energy Resources (EER) will build a plant that uses plasma gasification melting technology. The system — developed by Israeli and Russian scientists at the Technion Israel Institute of Technology — sorts municipal and solid waste in a reactor, where metal particles are separated by magnets, with the remaining waste broken down by high heat. That organic material is converted into gases, and the remaining waste becomes black gravel suitable for use in infrastructure projects. EER said the system also can break down medical and radioactive waste, thereby providing a waste treatment solution for nuclear power stations. EER's shareholders include Urdan Industries Ltd. (TASE: URDN), Shrem Fudim Technologies Ltd. (TASE:SFKT), Makoto Takahashi's Tokyo Financial Group, the Canada-Israel Opportunity Fund, Leon Recanati and Shlomo Nehama. -- because I think what you are doing is very essential for the survival of the planet, and anybody who is hindering that needs to be pushed aside.
  • Ramon

    Posted 16 years and 8 months ago

    Ramon from Melbourne, Australia comments on Innovations
    Where do I start? I dont think I need to elaborate on the most pressing of current environmental issue which the human race currently faces i.e water desalination in developed countries and fresh water in developing countries, de- forestation. renewable energy and the current exponential depleting of fossil fuels mixed with global warming. It is also about time that we got control of the weather patterns!!!!! What in the way of cheap, sutainable long term technologies are being implemented to combat these pressing issues. Is there a COLLABORATIVE worldwide team effort, with all research in question, to work towards a long term goal for the benefit of all human kind? More also needs to be done about neurological/computer interfaces with seamless interaction with the internet , A.I., human senescence and cheaper, faster ways to sequence the human genome for a more efficient way to observe genetics in real time for a more substantial viewing of disease. Lets finally move into the 21st century and do away with Biopharma.
  • Jeremy Wiley
    Jeremy Wiley

    Posted 16 years and 8 months ago

    Jeremy Wiley from Atlanta comments on Innovations
    1- "Internet for Everyone" - grid computing by paying owners for gaming console processing power 2- Free, fast, efficient transportation for everyone - complex design of ski-lift cables and gondolas combined with lighter-than-air cable suspension 3- High-speed, heavy-capacity overseas cargo transportation - Wing-in-ground aircraft combined with super-cavitating hydrofoils 1- First, specifically because Vint Cerf mentions his hopes for "Internet for Everyone", I believe the following business model could serve to answer one of the primary concerns for each of these engineering grand challenges: computing power (the original focus of the DARPA grand challenges, from what I understand). Recognizing the incredible capacity of PS3 consoles in the Folding@Home project, I believe a business who pays console owners for their excess processor time (in cash, rebates, or other incentives) stands to gain -at a cost lower than the costs for purchasing, operating, maintaining, and upgrading supercomputers- the largest virtual supercomputer on the planet -one that will be surprisingly homogeneous, will continually upgrade itself, and will pay for its own purchase, housing, power, and maintenance costs. I believe the gaming console provides the most attractive 'home server' opportunity, where inexpensive thin-client devices and/or mobile devices bring users the same familiar desktop and files that were stored on the console (serving as a 'home server') and if a paid-contribution grid computing program such as this were developed to help console owners deal with the initial costs of the latest technology, maybe we will see the internet for everyone. And maybe even without the advertisements. Yeah right. 2- My second proposal is the one that I think would literally change everything if it were carefully considered. In the 60's and 70's, loggers in Washington and Oregon used cabled 'logging balloons' to move log loads efficiently from remote locations. While I don't find the most commonly used designs applicable, one design in an easily overlooked patent (3807577 "Aerial load lifting and transporting method and system" by John L. Bell) is the one I believe has much more potential than one might expect. By exchanging balloons for high-powered kites, exchanging single point-to-point transfer systems with continuous-motion ski-lift type systems, or changing static systems with more modern electronically controlled systems, the cabled system may demonstrate an incredible degree of versatility in three-dimensional spaces, much like the CableCam and SkyCam systems commonly seen above the quarterback during football games. Initially, such a system could be used for ship-to-shore cargo movement where ship still in deep water could exchange its cargo with a parking lot beyond the breakwater (looked into by the U.S. Navy in 1974, but using a very archaic system). If small-scale application proved acceptable, several systems could be attached to each other, spanning longer distances, much like bridges do today, except these systems might be able to stretch much further than any bridges we conceptualize today.. and with the possibility of much lower costs. Added complexity in the mechanisms of continuously moving ski-lift type systems could lead the devices to be able to switch cargo (in three dimensions) between multiple destinations - allowing the system to supplement or replace ground vehicle based transportation. With the development of more advanced flight stability systems, high-speed travel over the system might be possible, allowing it to directly compete with ships, trains, automobiles, and even aircraft. With proper development, I believe this innovation could become extraordinarily important, especially in the development of third-world economies that await road, rail, air and port infrastructures that could allow them to compete in the global economy. Because of the opportunity to transfer mechanical energy efficiently via moving cables, the system could also play an important distribution role in green energy initiatives focused on the generation of energy through central sources. As nano-technology continues to demonstrate to possibility that thin, powerful cables might one day be possible (and cheap), this system becomes more and more possible as well. And, as with the mobile-based Internet, I believe this system could become free through advertising once more robust individual-focused advertisement mechanisms are in place to place ads in front of travelers passing by destinations advertisers would like them to know about. 3- Wing-in-ground (WIG) aircraft have been under development since the 30's, but has never seen production because the ability to land on water at aircraft speeds has required the hull of the vessels to be far rigid and heavy to become more efficient that existing high-altitude designs. The Pelican concept under development at Boeing is designed to land on dry land only, but this will significantly restrict the amount of airstrips it can use (it weighs 6m lbs, and should be using only large airstrips located right next to the ocean). Patent 6439148 "Low-drag, high-speed ship" by Thomas G. Lang shows a 'super-cavitating hydrofoil' design that can be used for a takeoff and landing device especially for WIG aircraft. With an amphibious, high-capacity vessel such as this, the WIG could easily take over the current cargo ship design and provide an extraordinarily large leap forward in the global economy as containerized goods take hours instead of days or weeks to reach their destinations. The massive wing structures required for these aircraft may prove much more useful for the transfer of cargo to and from shore at facilities in less developed areas.
  • Cody Worthington
    Cody Worthington

    Posted 16 years and 8 months ago

    Cody Worthington from Tucson, AZ, USA comments on Innovations
    I see this as a means to enriching the harmony of diversity among humanity: Freedom of communication - the internet, phones, television to some extent, all like mediums/medias should be free to the world, they are less now a luxury then they are a means of propagating an optimal form of humanity. I stress the importance of compatibility with the infrastructure or a redesigning and initiating of the infrastructure so as to allow for open-ended, maximum flexibility for technological advances. In many ways, our own advance of technology (technology being any and all things that lead toward a realization of humanity's optimum and harmonic capacity with itself) has been halted, stilted, shunted by an inability for its ideas and applications to find root in our static seeking leanings (i.e. tradition, unyielding political systems which serve more as a means of constance, for rigid, unyielding, emotionally charged ideals and concepts that fear demise through transformation then as a means of furthering humanity's will to live, in peace with itself.
  • G.S.

    Posted 16 years and 8 months ago

    G.S. from Northern Europe comments on Innovations
    1 Virtual reality the quality of lucid dreams. We are nowhere near the sensory quality to fool the brain. Perhaps it will happen when we can make the brain generate the data and not push it from the outside through the senses. 2 A reliable way to induce lucid dreaming.
  • Ian

    Posted 16 years and 8 months ago

    Ian from Chicago, USA comments on Innovations
    we should commit to developing 2 things before 2020: 1. self-aware AI 2. Advanced Molecular Nanotechnology. develop these 2 things, and all of the problems people have written here will be solved.

    Posted 16 years and 9 months ago

    SRAVANTHI from INDIA comments on Innovations
    I had an idea .That is if we want to type anything on the monitor we are useing the keyboard. Instead of using the keyboard the words which we want to type on the keyboard if we pronounce that words that should appear on the screen.
  • Frank

    Posted 16 years and 9 months ago

    Frank from Michigan comments on Innovations
    QUESTION: What will the car of the 21st Century be like? The car of the future, the Supercar will travel on an elevated highway, unencumbered by the traffic and congestion below. Thus a Supercar will travel the Skyway, the superhighway for the 21st Century. This vision is not new. What is new are recent advancements in technologies that have converged at this particular time and make this futuristic vision possible. One of the emerging technologies is fuel cells. They use hydrogen, which is the most flexible energy carrier of all, since it can be derived from any hydrocarbon or from water using virtually any energy source, and can be used to run an internal combustion engine, power a rocket or be converted directly into electricity. The Supecar will thus require powerful electric motors whose power, speed and traction must be precisely controlled. Lucky for us a revolution in the field of power electronics is also emerging. This revolution was set in motion by the invention of the transistor 50 years ago, but while the better known microchip was a trend for miniaturization the other, less well known revolution can be characterized by the opposite trend: larger and larger transistors capable of handling greater amounts of power. The new transistor is the insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT). Grouped together they can handle 1000 amperes of electric current at several thousand volts. As an analogy to physiology it combines the brain (microprocessor) and the muscles (IGBT’s) as an intimately connected unit. Other trends, seemingly unrelated demand changes, they are such that we will be forced to embrace the changes in order to keep the “technological momentum” of the car sustainable. Necessity being the mother of invention, the needs for a new transport system is enormous: One of these trends includes the miserable condition of our road infrastructure. While automation prospers our roads and bridges rot! Roads, bridges, the total infrastructure for cars, trains, and subways are in need of a total reconstruction. The cost of this repair is so enormous as to be incalculable. This is because for over a century the volume of new construction has defined progress and previous generations were prolific at delivering the goods. With each new bridge or road built in the last 100 years, the cost of its continual maintenance and eventual replacement has been deferred by other pressing needs. Thus the future replacement costs grow exponentially while the initial cost in 2007 dollars seem insignificant. Safety being paramount is another issue. In the US there are over 42,000 traffic related deaths and 5 million injuries yearly. World wide 1.2 million die in traffic related accidents. This carnage can no longer be ignored. Another trend are congested roads, they are an abomination. The time and money wasted yearly in the US alone, has been calculated at $100 Billion. Where one hundred years ago traffic in London moved at 15-km. per hour, now cars that can travel at 200-km/hr travel at only 14-km/hr. This is progress? New roads instead of alleviating congestion seem to have the opposite effect. Thus simply building more roads has not proven to be the answer. Surface highways are destructive to the environment. They form a scar upon the land. Public funding to build them can only defer resources that must be eventually spent to maintain what we already have. QUESTION: What is your solution to all these seemingly unsolvable problems? The solution is of two parts. First realize that the car like any machine is a combination of the static and dynamic. In this case the dynamic being the automobile has advanced to an unimaginable degree of perfection and uses the most advanced technologies. The laggard is the highway. This is the half that if mass production and standardization of its construction were to be improved, unimaginable progress could be achieved. What I am proposing is doing for the other half what Henry Ford did for the manufacturing and assembly of the other. The solution to the rotting infrastructure, congestion, pollution and safety is the Skyway and the car that can travel the superhighway of the future, the Supercar. Look above you, the space above is not being used. The Skyway is standardized elevated highway, assembled by joining together structural sections spanning 100 to 200 meters (300 to 600 ft.). The loading capacity of these sections is designed for much lower live loads then the way we are currently designing highways and bridges. This is because it is designed for cars and light delivery vehicles only. This change in loading capacity will make it possible to build elevated highways that cost less and will last longer. The Supercar is dual mode, it can travel surface roads we have now and looks and drives manually in every way like today’s cars, but can also travel in automatic mode on an elevated skyway unobstructed by the traffic below. Skyway will be built from advanced composite material that effectively cost less to build and maintain than the way we are now “hand building” concrete highways. The Supercar is completely automated and can travel at high speed (300 km/ hr.) in safety. Skyway will be assembled from lightweight tubular components reinforced with carbon fiber or fiberglass. The technology for mass-producing tubular components as big as 4 ft. diameter and 40 ft long already exist. They would then be assembled in space frame structure similar to Fig 1 & 2 in 400 ft trusses. The tubes and deck are then filled with high performance concrete. This is a minimalist design, pleasing to the eye and can compete with the current cost of constructing new highways ($55 million/ mile).
  • Bill

    Posted 16 years and 9 months ago

    Bill from Manistee, MI comments on Innovations
    To partially reduce landfill by eliminating very large amounts of broken concrete, would it be possible to construct a device (like a large bin) that would be filled with broken concrete and then charge the bin with sound waves or a frequency that would take the concrete back to its origninal components. This could then be available for reuse at a building site or similar aplication. It would be enviornmentally friendly, sice it would be inert and open for other uses.
  • Bhargava

    Posted 16 years and 10 months ago

    Bhargava from govada village guntur AP INDIA comments on Innovations
    If we produce Electricy from vehicles from wheels it will be useful for us.
  • Dr. Michael Porter
    Dr. Michael Porter

    Posted 16 years and 12 months ago

    Dr. Michael Porter from Hubert, NC comments on Innovations
    Ignorance is the first thing to address...We cannot make progress without world-wide education...With that addressed, we can balance energy needs vs. food needs... I personally feel that population control is essential. We need to depend on technology rather than dooms-day theory, religious tripe, and the unreasonability for man to see the negative as outweighing the positive. Cold fusion may be viable, alternative energy is is ignorance, superstition and some religions that make these things seem impossible to us. I also think that developing nations need to look to future answers not past ones as there salvation. The US should lead by biting the bullet and learning to live within their own means...not those of others.
  • ray

    Posted 17 years ago

    ray from florida comments on Innovations
    I feel there is away to make an electric motor that can produce its own electricty. Why has no one sought out how to do this? There is a man who has done this and the U.S. Government has denied him a patient so he can further develope this technology. In the current rising gas prices should tell us we as a nation need this new technology
  • adaeze umobi
    adaeze umobi

    Posted 17 years and 1 month ago

    adaeze umobi from nigeria comments on Innovations
    i want to commend engineers all over the world. i want engineers to find a solution to the depletion of the ozone layer. they should also see to the production of less ozone(o3). pls send more information about this problem to my mail.
  • pradeep jagtap
    pradeep jagtap

    Posted 17 years and 2 months ago

    pradeep jagtap from baramati comments on Innovations
    Our country facing problem of shortage of electricity. Therefore we want to use renewable energy. We produce small amount of electricity by using ROLLING GATES at the entrance of all building, school, college, public places. When rolling gate revolves its shaft is connected to electrical chip, by this electricity will be generated. It will be useful for security cabin, light fancy lighting near entrance. If u want more information about this project plz send mail.
  • ashish soni
    ashish soni

    Posted 17 years and 2 months ago

    ashish soni from mathura , india comments on Innovations
    if we want to cool a room, there is a one technique that there should be gap between the one wall, and the wall should be open at the top and like a window it should be open in the room, by which air can be flow from top to in the room and it will be cool.